Better Than Good 1st Anniversary Celebration… Parts 5 & 6 of Better Than Candy (NSFW)

One more day till the official 1 year anniversary of the release of Better Than Good!!  Woohoo!    Comment for a chance to win an audiobook version of Better Than Good or Better Than Chance…

By the way, this segment is NSFW 😉  Enjoy!

We made it through the holidays drama-free.  I spent Thanksgiving with the Mendez clan and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  It was hard not to love his family.  They were very warm and welcoming.  Their large family home outside of Baltimore was filled with the fragrant smells of turkey and all the trimming with a dash of Latin flair.  Spanish was spoken as frequently as English and kids ran down the halls and in between adults like demented monkeys.   His brother and dad were big sports fans so conversation tended to center around football.  There was no drama, no awkwardness about being their son and brother’s boyfriend.  They loved Aaron and they accepted me without question.

I went back to Pittsburgh for Christmas.  While I enjoyed seeing everyone, I couldn’t shake the feeling there was an undercurrent I couldn’t quite grasp.  It was as though my parents were trying too hard to make things “normal”.  I mentioned Aaron’s name in passing a couple of times in conversation with my brother and sisters, but my mom’s watchful eye kept me from officially coming out to them.  Without words, she was pleading for me not to make waves or create any awkwardness during the holiday.  I went along with it because she was so adamant but I hated being back to lying about my life to keep the peace.  I wanted everyone who mattered to know I was with Aaron, whether my parents acknowledged it or not.  They were going to have a hard time ignoring it when we moved in together after the New Year, I mused.

Chapter 4

“The living together part… are you sure?  I mean… I want to.  I do.  I just want you to remember it’s me you’d be living with.  Are you ready for that?  Not that long ago you were telling me I’m high maintenance and crazy and…I doubt that will change much.”

“Yeah, I’m ready for it, baby.  I like your brand of crazy.”  I was smiling so hard my face hurt.

We decided before Christmas to move in together.  His place was too small and mine came with roommates who were ready to relocate as well.  Aaron wanted to stay in the Dupont Circle area where he currently lived.  It was gay friendly and centrally located.  Worked for me.  I honestly didn’t care where… I was just happy he said yes.

“What if it doesn’t go well?  What if you get sick of me?  Ugh…or what if you’re too messy?  I don’t do well with chaos not of my own making.  What if…?”

I put a finger to his lips.

“Shh.  Aaron.  I can make no guarantees this won’t be a fucking disaster, but…”  I reached for his chin when he looked away from me, seeming upset by my honesty.  “But, I don’t think it will be.  We aren’t total idiots.  I know things about you…you are a clean freak and you listen to techno club music at an excruciatingly loud volume.  I, on the other hand, am not a total slob but dishes in the sink don’t bug me the way they bug you…”

“My skin crawls thinking about it…”

“I know.  Look, we’ll just have to compromise, right?  I’ll try to be neater, and you’ll have to agree not to blow my eardrums everyday.  And then there’s television.”

“What about it?”  He tried for nonchalance but the guy was addicted to his reality programs.  He peered through the longish hair covering his right eye.

“I like sports.  We’ll have to share the big screen baby.”

I leaned back to observe Aaron and tried to gage whether or not I’d scared him off.

“You aren’t going for the easy sell, are you Matty?”  Aaron crossed his arms over his chest.  I laughed.

“All I’m saying is that we’re different, which is probably why we’re together in the first place.  Sometimes those differences may make living in the same place a little challenging but the truth is… I wouldn’t have suggested it if I didn’t think it would work.”

“I want to believe you, but I think you like a challenge too.”

“Maybe, but I’m not a glutton for punishment.  I love you, Aaron. We’re already practically living together except I’m paying rent for an apartment in Georgetown I’m never at and I haven’t given you a dime in rent.  It’s financially a good move too.  See?”

“Do I get to decorate?”

He was back to feigning nonchalance, but it wasn’t working.  I rolled my eyes at his purely rhetorical question.  Of course he would decorate.  He knew I didn’t give a shit about color schemes and accessorizing.  Aaron jumped suddenly from my lap and returned a minute later resuming his perch straddling my thighs with his cock grinding against mine in invitation.  I had a feeling he wanted to tell me something and not just that he was horny.  I waited patiently for him to speak.  Instead he leaned into me and gently kissed my lips.  I smiled but still waited, knowing he had something on his mind.  He picked up my hand and turned my palm face up before dropping a candy heart in it.  I chuckled.  I hadn’t seen these since Jay found the box in the kitchen a few months ago.  It was officially pre-Valentine season though.  They would be easier to come by now.  I looked at the pink heart in my hand and read “Gracias”.

“You’re welcome.  How did you find these in Spanish?”  I knew there was more going on than him buying these in the language of his heritage.  I just wasn’t sure what it could be.

Aaron shrugged and slipped the candy between my lips.  “Oh Matty, you can find anything online.  And don’t worry.  We’ll find an amazing place and I’ll be sure to decorate it “macho chic”!”

I didn’t know what that meant but I was pretty sure I didn’t care as long as we were together.


“I’m James.  So nice to meet you both.  Richie told me to take you to see 7A.   It’s absolutely exquisite!  You will love!”

Richie?  The name sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place it.  I gave up and followed.  James led us to a brightly lit floor chatting amicably with Aaron about the friendly residents and fabulous amenities one only finds in newer construction.  I kept quiet wondering if all these wonderful things were affordable.  I didn’t want to spoil either of their fun.  James was unfailingly professional and extremely enthusiastic.  Aaron was the perfect audience.  When James opened the door to 7A with a flourish, Aaron gasped appreciatively as if on cue.  I rolled my eyes and stepped inside.

I almost gasped too.  It was incredible.  The floor plan was open with wide plank hardwood flooring and high ceilings.  A state of the art kitchen with an island sat at one end of the large room while a small fireplace denoted the living area on the opposite side.   A bank of floor to ceiling windows framed one long expanse before curving to include a small portion of the adjoining kitchen wall as well.  The walls were a brilliant white (which would be the first thing Aaron would seek permission to change, I bet), the wood floors were a light faux distressed grey while the kitchen featured black granite countertops and black state of the art appliances.  Three small pendant lights hung over the island.  Everything about the space was beautifully understated, shiny, new and modern.

“There are two bedrooms and two bathrooms.  But the best thing is that they are on opposite ends of the main living area.  So should you have houseguests, you aren’t on top of one another.  I’m going to leave you two to explore on your own for a few while I check on another unit.  I’ll be back in ten!”

The moment the door shut, Aaron lunged into my arms.  His hands were everywhere.  On my ass, in my hair, down my back, up my chest.  He fused his mouth to mine.  I pulled back slightly to look into his luminous eyes.

“Stop.  We can’t do anything here.”  I kissed his nose to soften my words.

“I know.  Good thing we took a little of the edge off before we ventured out, don’t you think?  I’m so fucking horny and this place is making it worse!”  Aaron stood on his toes and licked my jaw, kissing a path down my neck before he looked back up at me with an innocent expression.  Asshole.  I adjusted myself and stepped away from him.

“This is really nice, babe.  But…”

“I know what you’re going to say, but let’s not think about that right now!”  He jumped back and danced away into the kitchen.  “Just imagine, Matty… You wake up in the morning and I do my best “I Love Lucy” impression, “Good morning, dear, would you like a cup of coffee?”  I’ll present you with a lovely cup of your favorite roast before I turn back to this outrageously gorgeous stovetop to create a culinary masterpiece for you.  What would you like?  Maybe an omlette?  Nothing blase though.  No!  I’ll chop red peppers and sweet onions and I’ll…”

“Will you be wearing an apron?”

Aaron’s eyes lit up at my unexpected question.  He giggled and batted his eyes mischievously.

“Yes.  And nothing else.”

I gulped audibly.  Damn.


“Can you picture it?  I don’t just mean the naked omlette.  The two bedrooms are ideal!  You can play your guitar or use the other room as an office and say I’m tired and want to rest in our spacious master bedroom… no worries!  Win win!  It would be great for entertaining too!  I could have my nephews over!  Or even your family!  What do you think?”


A soft click at the front door announced James’ timely return.  Aaron took one more longing glance around the space before we both followed him out. James urged us to decide quickly if possible as another couple wanted to see the condo tomorrow for a second time.

“We understand.  I don’t think you told us the monthly rent.”

James gave me a blank stare and then turned to Aaron.

“Didn’t Richie talk to you about…?”

“Yes yes.  Don’t worry.  We’ll talk and I promise to call you back tonight!”

Something was up and as usual, I was a step or two behind.  I let it go.  Numbers didn’t lie.  If we couldn’t afford it, we couldn’t afford it.  Period.  It didn’t matter how amazing the place was.

“So, how much?”  I gave him a sideways glance as we made our way by foot back to his small one-bedroom apartment nearby.

He gave me the amount and I almost choked.  It was a deal, but it was still way more than I paid now.   It turned out that Richie, the owner, was the artist friend of Aaron’s I’d met almost a year ago at a photography exhibit.  He and his partner were moving to Europe for one year and needed to rent their newly purchased condo.  When they heard Aaron and I were in the market, they made a special deal because they preferred leasing to people they knew and trusted.

“Does that mean no?”

He looked crushed.  Fuck.  I did the calculations in my head quickly and told him my concerns.  I didn’t hold anything back.  If we had to deal with financial catastrophe right from the start, we would be doomed.  Aaron paid a lot to live on his own, so it was beneficial for him to pay half of the rent Richie was asking.  He offered to put more in to make it work because it was still less than he paid now.  My pride wouldn’t let me agree.  It was important to me that we split the cost evenly.  There was a part of me that wanted to be the guy who paid more, the guy to take care of him.  He’d rake me over the coals for thinking it in the first place, so I wisely kept my mouth shut.

“We have to decide tonight?”

He nodded.  I took a deep breath.  Why the fuck not?

“Okay, let’s do it.”


Aaron stopped in the middle of the crowded sidewalk on Connecticut Avenue and gave me one of his full-watt beautiful smiles.  My heart skipped a beat as I looked down at his gorgeous face.  Knowing I had something to do with that smile made me feel like a fucking superhero.  I had never been one for public displays but this time I didn’t care who saw.  I kissed his full lips then his nose before placing my arm over his shoulder and tucking him close to me as we walked back to his old apartment.


Chapter 5

We moved in to our fabulous new condo the first weekend in February.  While I was excited about our new place, moving was one of my least favorite things.  I hated packing, lifting, unpacking, reorganizing.  Aaron however didn’t seem to mind it one bit.  He was anxious to get to the fun part… decorating.  I felt my eyes glaze over when he started talking about new pillows, sheets and towels.  In all fairness there was a particular reason he was so crazy about getting organized and decorated.   My mother was coming for an impromptu visit no doubt planned the minute she heard we were living together.

She planned to be in DC for two days the second week of February.  As her visit drew near so did Aaron’s anxiety.  He didn’t act outwardly nervous, but his compunction for order became more amplified and he was obsessed with finishing the guest “suite”.  Aaron wanted everything to be perfect.

Since it was my mother’s arrival driving his compulsion for perfection, I let him talk me into going to one of those giant bedding warehouses a couple of days before she was due to fly in. Supposedly we were making a quick trip to pick up a couple of towels for the guest bath.  I didn’t understand why we needed them to begin with.  Aaron owned what seemed like dozens of towels already.  Surely there were a few to spare for the second bathroom.  He pulled his Ray Ban sunglasses down his nose and eyed me carefully.

“Matty, it’s a brand new bathroom.  Freshly painted in a gorgeous shade of eucalyptus.  You can’t seriously think we can put my old towels, which were purchased for a completely different colored bath in our new one.  Can you?”

“Uh…guess not.”  I lamely replied.  “Look, just… don’t torture me.  Please.  Can we do this in fifteen minutes?”


An hour later, we finally emerged from hell.  I was beyond irritated.  I had been in charge of the cart, obediently following my boyfriend around like a fucking puppy while he fought to make difficult decisions regarding which shade of green was the best choice.  He stopped asking my opinion when I snapped and hissed at him under my breath to hurry the fuck up and chose any fucking shade he wanted.  I was sick of dodging small kids running in front of my cart and adults who were certainly not paying attention to their kids or carts.  Aaron looked a little miffed but he headed toward the check out counter.  His attention was momentarily diverted by a colorful display of wastebaskets and toothbrush holders.

“You’re kidding, right?”  I swear I was sweating.  I could feel my blood pressure rise with every minute I was stuck in this warehouse hell filled with pillows, towels and sheets.  I had no idea there were so many pillows in all of DC, let alone in one store.

“Matt.  You are acting like a bad child.  I am never taking you shopping again!”  He hissed back at me menacingly.


A young mom with a full cart and kids bouncing around her overheard our exchange and laughed.

“You’re better off leaving your husband behind, honey.  Trust me, I know!”

We both smiled politely at her, but Aaron spared me another evil eye before he finally headed toward the exit.

Once we were back home with our new towels, I was fine but Aaron was pissed.  I was given the silent treatment for a while, and I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t mind the quiet.  For an hour anyway.  Then I did mind.

“Come on.  You can’t not talk to me all day!”

“Oh, so now you want to talk?”

“Yeah.  Let’s talk.  Come closer so I can touch you too.  I’ll be good.”  I was perched on one of the stools at the island in our kitchen, swiveled to face the hockey game on the flat screen across the room.

“You are incorrigible!”

“Hmm.  That’s bad, right?”


“Okay, I’ll behave now.  Give me a kiss to make up.  Please?”  I gave him my best “you can trust me look”.  He sighed deeply and dramatically before inching over to me and standing between my thighs.  He was blocking the game on the television, but I wisely refrained from telling him so.

“Are you going to make it up to me?  Or are you just looking for a quick kiss with the hope that I’ll shift over a few inches so you can watch the Steelers?”  Wow, he was good.

“Oh, funny guy… well, let’s start with a little re-education.  The Pittsburgh Steelers, babe, are a professional football team.”  I pulled him into my arms and squeezed him tightly, burrowing my chin into his shoulder.  “Sadly their season is over, but luckily it’s basketball and hockey season.” I playfully nipped at his neck and shoulder and moved him sideways so he was no longer blocking my view.  “You are currently blocking a hockey game, although not my favorite Pittsburgh Penguins, so if you’d like to take some time to make up for my hour in hell, I will more than gladly join you… on the sofa, in the bedroom or even in that green guest bathroom with the cool new towels.  Just say the word, babe.”  I held him even tighter and tickled his sides.

He laughed, his eyes twinkling with restored humor as he stepped out of my reach and pealed off his t-shirt.

“First of all, let me re-educate you, oh forgetful one… the color is eucalyptus not green!  Hockey season lasts longer than any sport should be allowed to and…”  He easily dodged my swipe at his ass.  “And, you are making up with me.  Not me making up with you!  You are the one who behaved like a five year old!”

“You’re the one who promised not to torture me, but you did anyway.  Even that lady at the store agreed you should have gone alone!”

He stepped back between my thighs, and kissed my chin.

“She called you my husband.  Did you hear her?”  He looked up at me shyly.

“Yeah.  I did.”  I kissed his nose and wrapped my arms around his slim waist, letting my hands cup and squeeze his ass.

“It didn’t freak you out?”

“No.  You?”


I smiled into his shoulder then deftly bent to scoop him into my arms in a fireman’s hold.  He giggled, hitting my back and kicking his legs in protest.  I smacked his ass once hard as I carried him into our bedroom.

“No more talking.  You have some making up to do.  Clothes.  Off.”

We separated for a moment to lose the jeans, socks and shoes still in our way.  Aaron turned toward the bed, his beautiful olive skin glistening with the slightest sheen of sweat as he carefully turned back the duvet.  He climbed unto the bed and leaned over to the nightstand on the far end to grab something sitting on top.  His firm tight ass was provocatively on display.  Tease.  I reached down to grab my cock, almost surprised at how hard I was already.  I was literally aching with need.

Aaron turned back to me, his eyes ablaze with desire.  I swallowed and inched a little closer to the bed.  He settled on to his back, his dark head propped on a stark white pillow as his hand drifted lower to stroke his equally hard member.


“Then come and get it.”  His tone was beguiling.  I was as turned on by the low timber as I was by his sexy naked body on display for me.

I pulled myself over him, careful at first not to touch him.  Slowly I lowered my body on top of his.  We both hissed at the first electric feel of skin on skin.  I stared down into his eyes as I bent to kiss him.  Aaron wrapped his strong arms around my neck and pulled me flat against him so that I covered him completely.  This time we gasped as our rock hard dicks pressed together, the slick from our precum creating a natural lubricant.

“Fuck, you are so damn sexy.”  I pulled myself up on one arm, trying not to squash my partner.

“So are you.”  He yanked my head lower and bit my lower lip, then sucked it.  It hurt, but in a strangely sensual way.

“Aar, baby…”  I could hardly remember what I wanted to say when he wrapped his legs around my torso.  He arched his pelvis into mine searching for contact.  It felt so fucking amazing.  But it wasn’t nearly enough.

“No.  Don’t talk.”  He took my face in his hands, staring intently.  “I want you.  I want you inside me.  Please.”


He pushed me back slightly and gestured for me to grab the lube he had set beside him.  I sat back on my knees and noticed the candy heart next to the bottle.  I gave a half-chuckle and picked it up.  It said “Text Me”.  I laughed out loud and gave it to Aaron to read.  He snickered appreciatively.

“Oops, I thought it said “Sext Me”.  He pulled his legs up and rolled to his side laughing hysterically.

I don’t know why it struck either of us as particularly funny.  Maybe it was one of those odd moments when humor restores balance and reminds you to enjoy life.  My smile was wide as I stared down at my beautiful lover.  I was overcome with emotion suddenly.  I gulped once and bit my lip.  Aaron laid back wantonly with his knees bent and splayed wide, his laughter fading as his right hand slowly stroked his cock.  I set my hand over his wanting this connection.  He closed his eyes and let me take over.   I switched hands, freeing my right to explore his balls.  He was chanting my name as the mood returned to sensual.  He arched into my hand like a pole dancer at a strip club urging me on, inviting me to play.  So damn sexy.

“Matty, please…”

“Aaron, I’m gonna fuck you, baby.  Are you ready for me?”

He nodded and drew his knees up to his chest inviting me in.  I reached for the lube again and almost looked for a condom before remembering we didn’t use them anymore.  We’d both been tested after the New Year, marking a huge commitment to one another.  One neither of us had given previous lovers.  It was a new sensation and a completely mind blowing one. I breathed deeply, trying to calm myself as I lined my thick hard cock against his perfect rosebud hole.  Then I pushed.

I didn’t get far before I saw stars.  The heat was intoxicating and I felt an instant flush all over.

“Open your eyes, Matty.  Look at me.”

I obeyed and pushed inside my lover a little further.  He gasped, but kept his eyes open and focused on me.  I was overwhelmed by the sheer pleasure of being inside him with no barrier.  When I was completely surrounded by him, as far and deep as I could go, I pulled back.  Aaron groaned as I plunged in with more force than I intended.

“Fuck!  You feel so good.  Do it.  Fuck me!”

My control had been tenuous to start.  His words spurred me into motion.  I gathered him closely to me, one hand holding his right leg up as I fucked him relentlessly.  I wanted to watch my naked cock moving in and out of him, but I was already gone.  The fire was too hot and I was lost.  Aaron clutched at my shoulders and raked his fingernails along my back.  He squeezed my cock so tight inside of him that I saw a new wave of stars and knew I wouldn’t last.

“Baby, fuck… I’m so close.”

My hips worked at a frantic pace as my balls drew up.

“Come inside me, Matty.  Come inside.”

White light and stars.  Wave after wave of intense pleasure flooded my senses as I poured myself into my lover.  I heard a keening cry and knew it was me, but I wasn’t able to control anything I did or said at that moment.  I felt Aaron’s body stiffen and shudder underneath mine, then the wet heat of his release as he came between our tightly pressed bodies.  We held on to each other, loosening our holds only when the last aftershock had passed.

I pressed my forehead to his and whispered softy, “I love you”.  Aaron didn’t say anything and although a part of me yearned to hear him say aloud what I knew he felt, I wouldn’t push.  I kissed his lips and his forehead before pulling myself from my lover and flopping gracelessly on to the pillow next to him.  Aaron giggled and turned to face me.  I still hadn’t quite caught my breath.  I didn’t want to talk yet, so I gestured for him to lie on my chest.  He smiled brightly and curled into my side where he belonged.






Published by lanehayes

I'm a M/M author, an avid reader, and chocolate and tea lover too!

7 thoughts on “Better Than Good 1st Anniversary Celebration… Parts 5 & 6 of Better Than Candy (NSFW)

  1. Parts 7 & 8 will be out later today! Stay tuned… 🙂

    1. You’re welcome! Hope you enjoyed 🙂

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