3 Days Till The Wrong Man is Here! Woohoo! It’s Giveaway Time…

Unknown-3Three more days and counting.  If the week goes as fast as today seemed to, Friday Feb. 6 will be here in no time!  To celebrate Brandon and Jake’s story, I’m going to giveaway an ebook copy of The Wrong Man.  All you need to do to pop your name in for consideration is leave a comment below about everyone’s favorite/not so favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day.  It’s not a big event in our house. My husband claims it’s a made up holiday and thinks it’s ridiculous to buy overpriced flowers. “They’re gonna die anyway”, he says (Mister Romance.) But every other Valentine’s Day or so he does the unexpected and comes home with roses or buys a big box of candy in a heart shaped box.  It works for me.  I’d rather be surprised!  Anyone else?

I would also like to giveaway a hot off the press, brand new release audiobook copy of Better Than Friends.  If you’re a fan of the book or have heard Tyler Steven’s narration in the other two Better Than Stories, you’ll definitely want to hear this!!  I’ll leave you with a sample:


Please feel free to leave your comments here from now until next Tuesday, Feb. 10 at 12 a.m EST when I will release the names of the two winners.

I’ll also be on Dreamspinner Press’s blog for The Wrong Man Release Day celebration between 8am EST and 5 pm EST, so pop in and say hello!  I’m sure there will be more giveaways! 🙂

And last but not least, there is a big blog tour coming up next week.  I’ll post the links as the dates get closer but here’s a list of stops (and yeah, even more prizes). This is what Brandon would refer to as a Brandonpalooza!

Happy Reading! Lane xo

The Wrong Man is available for pre-order on Amazon now!

*Btw, the model at the top looks just like Jake… swoon!

Published by lanehayes

I'm a M/M author, an avid reader, and chocolate and tea lover too!

14 thoughts on “3 Days Till The Wrong Man is Here! Woohoo! It’s Giveaway Time…

  1. Hi!
    First off, congrats on The Right Words and your upcoming release! This was my first book by you and I completely fell in love with it. I can’t wait to read The Wrong Man, so happy the wait is almost over! Meanwhile I am going through Better Than series, which sounds really good.
    We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day in my country, not really… Couples go out and spend time together but it’s not ”mandatory” to buy flowers, chocolate or anything.

    1. Thank you Serena! I hope you enjoy the Better Than Stories too!
      Valentine’s Day isn’t mandatory in the States. It’s a fun in between “holiday”. Personally I love hearts and flowers and chocolate. Any excuse will do! xo

  2. Really looking forward to your new release! I am the one that felt like your husband, don’t buy flowers they will die, I don’t eat the candy so don’t buy it! He finally bought the plants and he ate the candy! LOL


    1. LOL. I agree there is no sense buying them when they’re wayyyy overpriced for Valentine’s Day. But gosh… I love chocolate. <3 🙂

    1. Yes, that’s the problem. Everything doubles in price that day! Restaurants, flowers, chocolates. Silly. I’m fine going out the 13th or 15th instead! 🙂

  3. i hope this isn’t a double post, I swear I hit the publish button before..lol. The knew book looks awesome!! Congrats! As for holidays, my husband and I don’t give presents and gifts then. Christmas has always been about our kids. But he will randomly bring home a box of Little Debbie cakes like the Christmas tree ones which are my fave. Little things like that for each other. It maybe food or DVR a show we think the other would like. The little things are the best!! Thanks!!!

    1. I agree! The little things you do to show you care & love one another are much more meaningful! Thank you for commenting! xo

  4. I’m really looking forward to your newest book coming out. My husband and I already did an early celebration of Valentine’s Day to avoid the high costs and craziness of trying to go out on the day. We had a nice dinner out and went to the Symphony Orchestra. Usually, we try to keep things simple…find fun things for each other without spending more than $10. It’s a blast.

    1. Thank you Jen! That’s a great idea! We’re kind of doing the same this year. We’re going to a play a couple days before the 14th. I say “kinda” because our daughter will be with us! 😉 Oh well! <3

  5. I’m so excited about the release of The Wrong Man. I only found your books recently and once I started with The Right Words I went on to the Better Than friends series and I loved each one. I’ve them more than once which is unusual for me so I can’t wait for your next one!
    My husband and I don’t do much for Valentines day, its one of those things that we think you should show your love all the time not just once a year. I do get little things for my kids, my Mom used to get us little things and I always enjoyed the surprise.
    Congratulations on your new book and all the success and good things it brings you!

    1. Thank you Pam! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my books. Huge compliment! I have a feeling you’ll like Brandon & Jake too. 😉
      My husband and I are the same way really. I give him a hard time about Valentine’s Day but honestly, the little things year round are much more meaningful. I’d rather know he was thinking of me at random times than on the one day of the year he has to pay top dollar to prove it. <3

  6. I’m commenting here just because, lol. Since I already bought the new audio – love it! and The Wrong Man – love it too! – I’m not after the giveaways. But Valentine’s day always seems a bit pointless to me, if you love someone then show them all year round and give them meaningful little gifts at odd times. I suppose it’s a focus though, and the romantic in me likes that. And handmade cards. I do love those.

    By the way I fell utterly in love with Mack :-D.

  7. Thank you so much for your lovely note! I truly appreciate your kind words… and yes, I love Mack too. Something about a lovable old dog is just hard to resist! 🙂
    I’m with you on Valentine’s Day too. The times that chocolates and flowers make my heart skip a beat are when I least expect them… wait, chocolate pretty much does that anytime! 😉 Thanks again. Glad you’re enjoying the series so far… look for Alex’s story this summer!

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